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Beautiful inside and out

Published in the March 2015 Issue Published online: Mar 24, 2015 East Idaho Weddings
Viewed 2382 time(s)

The wedding planner hasn’t gotten back to you yet about final catering arrangements. Your maid of honor’s wedding dress has a hole in it. Your mom won’t stop hovering about every last minute detail. Someone just broke one of your centerpieces. Your nephew just got the stomach flu, and the big day is only a couple days away – what if he gets everyone sick?

Stressed yet?

Well, you shouldn’t be. This is your special day, and you should treat it as such. Do you really want your memories to be of bridezilla breakdowns? Doubtful.

All women want to maintain a beautiful exterior on their wedding day – after all, it may be the most important picture day of their lives – but they forget that feeling beautiful on the inside is just as, if not more, important.

Don’t forget why you are there in the first place.

Remember the way you felt when he kissed you for the first time? Remember when you realized he was the best friend you have ever had? Remember the pure and simple joy that radiated through you as he got down on one knee?

Now, please, don’t forget those moments. Don’t let the stress of a missing flower or a broken craft destroy the day that is meant to commemorate the memories you and your fiancé have shared and those memories you will share.

Weddings should be a celebration of love, not a celebration of wealth or craftiness.

Yes, the latter two are fun, but they are hardly the point. Don’t lose yourself in wedding overspending – in either money or time. In the long run, it really doesn’t matter.

It is likely you will get a handful of pictures capturing some of your cool decorations, but the vast majority of your pictures will be focused on people, not objects.

Here is one of my favorite pictures from my own wedding day:

Notice that there are no fancy decorations involved in the picture, and it is certainly not the most flattering picture I’ve ever had taken of me, but I love the memories it represents and the happy feeling that comes, transporting me back to the best part of that special day.

Take a night off before the big day.

Have one last special date night with your man before you take his name. Have a spa night with your friends. Take a bubble bath. Do whatever makes you happy, but give yourself at least one night away from the wedding plans before you become certifiably insane.

Seriously though, taking one night of peace amidst the panic will possibly rekindle some of that initial wedding-planning excitement, allowing happy anticipation to seep back into your bones.


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