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Totally Fantastic at Grand Targhee Resort

Limited lift purchases available for Aug. 21 solar eclipse

Published online: May 12, 2017 Articles, East Idaho Business, East Idaho Outdoors
Viewed 5887 time(s)

The mountain splendor above Driggs is a fantastic road-trip destination on any given summer day, but on Aug. 17, Grand Targhee Resort will also find itself right in the solar eclipse’s coveted “line of totality.” 

In Alta, Wyoming the duration of totality will last approximately 2 minutes and 16 seconds.

On the day of the eclipse, Grand Targhee will only be open to guests who are camping, have a scenic chair lift ticket or parking pass. Due to high demand, the resort will only sell a limited number of lift tickets, camping and parking passes.

Only 170 scenic chair lift tickets are available for purchase. Tickets are nonrefundable.

The “Dreamcatcher” lift will be open for those with pre-purchased tickets at 8:30 a.m. on the morning of Aug. 21. Guests will be able to ride the lift down to the base area after 1 p.m., or can hike down the Bannock Trail. All vehicles entering the resort must purchase a parking pass or have a valid camping pass for that day.

For trip planning and additional details, visit the resort online at

Source material: Grand Targhee Resort


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