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Downtown Parking Update

New options available for local merchants

Published online: Mar 11, 2020 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 4917 time(s)

Heads-up for downtowners! The Idaho Falls Downtown Development Corporation has released some important updates to its optional Downtown Parking Lot Validation Program. In the past, IFDDC provided envelopes with attached tickets for validation, but they will no longer offer that option for validation as of April 1. 

If you would like to be part of the validation program  please contact IFDDC ASAP so they can work with you to get it set up with one of the two following options.   208.535.0399  or  
The program specifically pertains to the A Street/Yellowstone parking lot (east behind Idaho Mountain Trading and Wee Bee Toys); the B Street/Capital parking lot (north behind the Colonial Theater and west behind Channel Blend) and the surface parking lot east of Smokin’ Fins and Lucy’s next to the alley.

There are two main options.

Option #1 – Customer parks and go into the store or business and requests validation immediately.   There is a 10 to 15 minutes “grace” period from when they park and when they can receive validation.  The merchant will log-in on a computer or smart phone and validate the parking.

Option #2 – Customer goes to meter, enters their license plate # and pays for their parking $1 per hour with either a credit card or coins. They come into the business and when they have made a purchase, the merchant will look at their parking receipt ticket and give a refund or discount for the amount of time they parked.  

The underground garage (off A Street under Smokin’ Fins) is $2 per hour or $12 for a day pass for public parking.  A validation program is also available for the underground garage, but it is handled differently. For details, call 208-535-0399.

Source: Idaho Falls Downtown Development Corporation


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