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Eastern Idaho State Fair Adjusts 2020 Plans

Fair moves forward with limited traditional events

Published online: Jul 20, 2020 Articles, Events, Family Fun Guide
Viewed 5871 time(s)

BLACKFOOT – For the past four months, The Eastern Idaho State Fair has worked closely with both local government and health officials to find the best solution to provide a safe and inviting atmosphere at this year's 2020 Eastern Idaho State Fair. The safety of everyone involved from our vendors, entertainers, employees, exhibitors, and fairgoers has, and always will be our number one priority. Narrow and significant requirements placed on the Fair by local officials have made it impossible to hold the type of event fairgoers have come to love and expect.

As such, we are forced to cancel the majority of activities and entertainment that would have made up this year's Eastern Idaho State Fair. We have, however, decided to honor our 118-year tradition by continuing to host the annual 4H Livestock Competition and Sale this year, as well as providing rodeo fans with two nights of the Gem State Classic Pro Rodeo, voted 2019 PRCA Small Market Rodeo of the Year, with reduced venue capacity. Both of these events are vital to the Eastern Idaho State Fair, and we are pleased to be able to continue these traditions despite the challenges we face in 2020. Final details and scheduling will be forthcoming, including a variety of ways you can still get your Fair Food Fix this year.

We recognize this decision will have a huge impact on thousands of businesses and tens of thousands of people whose talent, dedication, and hard work bring our Fair to life each year. Like everything during the past few months, this decision has been complex and difficult, but we look forward to coming back strong in 2021 and plan on producing one of the most amazing events our community has ever seen.

For those who purchased “2020 Holiday Happy Passes”. They will be valid for the 2021 Fair. If you have questions, please go to for additional information.


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