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Idaho Falls Street Division Employees Recognized for Accomplishments

Published online: Aug 31, 2020 Articles
Viewed 3481 time(s)

IDAHO FALLS -- Three employees from the Idaho Falls Street Division - Jason Mooney, Buck Nelson and Travis Steele – were recognized for their accomplishments and efforts at keeping up-to-date on new technologies and skills required to construct and maintain Idaho’s roadways. The virtual recognition took place during the August 27 City Council meeting.

The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) Training and Technical Assistance Center (T2 Center) is part of a national program known as the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP).  The T2 Center provides training and technical assistance to meet the needs of all highway jurisdictions across Idaho.

Buck Nelson_Chris Fredericksen_Brian Cardon1

“With increased demand on the transportation system and new construction technologies comes the need for more diverse skills and knowledge necessary for maintenance and preservation activities on roadways and bridges, explained Laila Kral, P.E., Deputy Administrator & T2 Manager, LHTAC in a letter to Idaho Falls Mayor Rebecca Casper.

The LHTAC T2 Center focuses on education and training of local agency employees. The T2 Center program curriculum is designed to provide participants with the fundamentals of safety, maintenance, and professional development.

Chris Fredericksen, Public Works Director stated, “We’re very pleased that these employees have taken the initiative to increase their knowledge of street maintenance practices. I’m sure that this training will benefit each of these employees and the Street Division as well. Well done!”

Steele has worked for the City of Idaho Falls since 1997. Nelson was hired in 2001 and Mooney was hired full-time in 2002.

Idaho Falls Public Works

"Between them, these employees have over 60 years of combined experience and yet they are still learning! This exemplifies the always striving for the best kind of attitude that Idaho Falls’ employees bring to the job. We are all excited for this professional achievement,” states Idaho Falls Mayor Rebecca Casper.

Media Contact: Public Information Officer, Kerry Hammon, (208) 612-8122 or


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