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Say Hello to Alturas Prep

Alturas Academy unveils its new high school

Published online: Aug 03, 2020 Articles, Education And Arts
Viewed 3620 time(s)

Earlier this year, Alturas Academy announced they would be expanding their services from grades K-5 with a high school that will instruct students grades 6-12 with the opening of Alturas Prep. This will allow students to stay together throughout their entire academic journey and allow them to continue benefiting from the instruction-style of the academy. 

“All of our students are placed according to their instructional level,” said Brian Bingham, future principal of Alturas Prep. “They have partners who are at that same exact instructional level as they are in subjects such as math and reading. This way they are able to collaborate and support one another in their learning. In other classes such as science, history,  technology and design, they're in a partnership with somebody that can support them at a higher level.”

This new way of learning allows students to benefit from each other’s instruction and strengthen relationships with their peers. In a traditional school setting, students would often get in trouble for conversing with their peers. Allowing students to work closely together creates a shift in the educational environment, preparing students for what they’ll face after graduation, whether that be entering the workforce or continuing to further their education. 

The collaborative model of Alturas Academy also provides a sense of comradery among peers, allowing students to feel safe in a place where according to both students and faculty there are truly no clicks. 

“When I think about my time in high school I think about popularity,” Bingham said. “I think it's really hard on the majority of kids. I’m really looking forward to creating a high school where everyone’s gifts are looked at and achieved. I think the kids will be able to actually grow more and reach their potential. We’re looking forward to creating an environment that kids feel safe in.”

Alturas Academy is excited to not only continue following the students they’ve developed relationships with on their educational journey, but also to explore new opportunities and help them to become lifelong learners. High schoolers will be able to participate in sports including golf, biking, tennis, running and more. Between sports and other learning opportunities, students will be able to develop skills that will benefit them for the rest of their lives. 

The potential school has submitted the charter to the Idaho State Charter Commission. The next meeting is Aug. 13. Brian Bingham and his administration are hopeful they will get approval from the commission to move forward.

The location of the new high school is forthcoming, but parents and students can expect the grand opening of the school to occur in the 2021-2022 school year, if the charter is approved by the Idaho State Charter Commission.


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