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Published online: Jan 29, 2021 Articles, Discover Idaho Falls, Discover Idaho Falls: Parks and Recreation
Viewed 4608 time(s)

To love winter in Idaho Falls, you need to know how to love snow. And there’s no better way to start a love affair with snow than to take up snowmobiling. Eastern Idaho offers some of the best snowmobiling in the world, all within a couple hours’ drive. The closest trailhead just happens to be about 25 miles by vehicle, near the high-country hamlet of Bone.

The area extends eastward all the way to Wyoming and encompasses close to 1,000 square miles of riding area that includes private land, state land, BLM and forest service land. Elevation ranges from about 6,000 feet (at the trailhead) to nearly 9,400 feet on Big Elk Mountain.

The true beauty of Bone is the extensive groomed trail system that allows novice riders to access the backcountry safely. The trails are lined with reflective trail markers and each major junction features a map which shows you exactly where you are in relation to the trail system. There are also three warming huts (top of King Creek, end of Skyline Ridge and top of Brockman) that provide shelter if you need to get out of the cold.

The trailhead is located just past the Bone Store and features a large parking area and restroom facilities. Expect to see wildlife along the trails. It’s common to see moose, elk, deer, coyotes and occasionally wolves in the higher elevations.

For more details on riding around the Bone area and other snowmobiling hot spots, check out the Eastern Idaho Snowmobile Guide at


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