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Idaho Falls Power Wins Multiple Awards for Customer Communications

Published online: Nov 05, 2021 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2015 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS - The Northwest Public Power Administration (NWPPA) has recognized Idaho Falls Power (IFP) with multiple awards as part of the organization’s 28th annual Excellence in Communications competition.

According to a press release from NWPPA, the competition recognizes the top communications efforts from the member utilities across the Western United States and Alaska.  The competition judges submissions in everything from annual reports and social media to websites, photography and other communications tools.  

IFP was awarded first place in customer newsletters   They also received second place in the Annual Report Category as well as the Wild Card Category for the “Fiber Ambulance,” and a third place for their Website.

“A tremendous thank you to the 46 utilities who submitted a record-breaking number of entries this year,” said 2021 NIC Chair Theresa Phillips, in a NWPPA news release on the competition. “Members crushed the old record of 257 with 304 entries this year! Congratulations to everyone!” 

Entrants are broken up into four groups based on the size of the utility.  Idaho Falls Power competed in the group of utilities with the second largest number of customers.  

“With the number of entrants and the number of submissions, it is a real honor for our communications team to be recognized with so many awards,” said Idaho Falls Power General Manager Bear Prairie.  “I think this demonstrates how hard they work to be creative and effective in our communications with our customers.  We continually work to engage with our customers and provide the best customer experience possible, so it’s rewarding to be acknowledged for those efforts.”

Residents can view the award winning IFP website at and can download a copy of the annual report and copies of the newsletter by clicking here.  


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