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A Facelift at Kelly Canyon Ski Resort

Local ski resort boasts major renovations

Published online: Jan 27, 2022 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business I.F. Magazine Staff
Viewed 3777 time(s)

Ski season has arrived, leading many to make the trek toward Swan Valley where Kelly Canyon Ski Resort is located. The ski resort has always been a favorite among locals, but what many might not expect are the changes the area has undergone over the past year. Now under new ownership, Kelly Canyon Ski Resort has undergone a facelift that it's eager to show off this winter.

The lodge, for one, has been entirely renovated. The old food service area, tables and chairs, and flooring were all ripped out to bring in the new. Sleek tables, wood floors and electric fireplaces now decorate the cozy escape from the winter chill, providing ski goers with a newly renovated place to relax while viewing any friends still skiing from the comfort of their chair. 

This is just the beginning of the investments Kelly Canyon Ski Resort has made. The resort will also have a new three person lift (replacing the old two seater, which has been in place since 1970) and a magic carpet ground lift. The magic carpet replaces the previously used rope tow at the base of the mountain. This will be especially helpful for new skiers, some of whom will have their first experience skiing at Kelly Canyon Ski Resort. 

For More Information

Kelly Canyon Ski Resort

5488 E Kelly Canyon Rd.



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