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Processing Gets Personal

Growing your business through Valued Merchant Services

Published in the May 2012 Issue Published online: May 04, 2012 East Idaho Business Lacey Larson
Viewed 425 time(s)

Paper or plastic? You might hear this frequently when you’re at the grocery store, but it’s also a question that’s asked whenever you open your wallet to make a purchase. More and more people opt for plastic – a plastic credit card, that is. Credit and debit cards are the easiest way to carry money without worrying about being short a few bills or not having one last quarter to pay the lunch bill. Both customer and business owner alike know how essential it is to be capable of running cards. But when it comes to dealing with high card processing fees and time-consuming calls whenever you need support, running credit cards might make you want to pull your hair out.

Valued Merchant Services has the solution to this headache.

Since its founding in 2006, Valued Merchant Services has been striving to provide not only card processing services that every business needs, but great customer service and big savings as well. They extend their businessnot only to Southeast Idaho, but nationwide as well – with offices in Montana and Utah and other states, they offer a more personal and local touch to a function that every business owner must have while putting more savings in their pockets.

“We have a great presence here, this is our headquarters,” said Chris Del Grande, president of Valued Merchant Services. “We’re one of the only companies that is actually located here in Southeast Idaho that provides these services. Everybody else that provides it is outsourcing it to another company or is based in another state.”

A primary focus that Del Grande has for Valued Merchant Services is to give business owners an opportunity to reach out to a company that’s in their own community. He desires to enable people to call a local number and talk to a real person, or have a representative come to their place of business to discuss their processing needs and to lend first-hand support. Hundreds of their customers exist in East Idaho alone, including most major car dealerships, medical offices, and even the Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce and Mountain View Hospital.
The list of products and services that this company offers is long, and it’s expanding. Not only can they help a business process all of their credit card payments, but they can process electronic checks, set up ATM machines, start a gift card or loyalty card program, and even e-commerce so payments can be accepted online. Many banks, while they provide some of these services, don’t have every product and technology available to perform everything that Valued Merchant Services can do.

“Everything that’s even semi-related to payment acceptance at the point of sale, we’ve basically taken on as an ancillary service,” said Del Grande.

Another service to take note of is a free, no-obligation analysis of what a business is currently paying to process credit cards compared to what they would pay with Valued Merchant Services. With a guarantee that you can save at least 10 to 50 percent of what they spend on a day-to-day basis to process cards, they’re happy to help keep a business’s costs low and the quality of their service high, even if they already have a great deal from another bank or provider. If the analysis shows that they can’t save you money, they back that guarantee by putting $250 in your pocket.

“One hundred percent of the time, we can save them money, so we put that actual savings in their pocket instead,” said Del Grande. “We don’t have to go out and sell a new concept or new idea…we come in and help business owners reduce their costs of doing something they have to do anyways.”

You can find out more about how Valued Merchant Services can help you and get in touch with a representative by contacting their office at 800-531-8575, ext. 100 or by going to


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