Our 2017 East Idaho Community Photo Contest results will splash on the pages of our January/February issue of the Idaho Falls magazine, but we thought you might like a sneak peek at our list of winners.
Thanks to all those who entered our contest this year. We had a record-breaking number of submissions, and we’ve loved how this contest has continuously grown in quality and quantity.
After receiving hundreds of fantastic photos, it was extremely difficult for our judges to narrow it down to those winners you see there, but don’t lose hope if your name isn’t listed! Our People’s Choice Awards is just around the corner, so stay tuned.
This annual contest is made possible by our amazing sponsors: Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center and Perfect Light Camera & Supply.
For the full results, look for our January/February issue of the Idaho Falls magazine.
2017 East Idaho Community Photo Contest Winners:
Krista Arave
Bruce Benson
Tony Boicelli
Shannon Bowen
Mike Cook
Rachael Cook
Gary Ellwein
Jennifer Hall
Brian Hart
Ashley Kelley
Tod Krumenacker
Aubrey Lanier
Denise Meador
Mike Morse
Josh Myers
Josh Packer
Brian Perkes
Angela Roach
Robert Ryan
Brad Steiner
Ernie Tate
William Teuscher
Jolie West