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Charity Chief

David Manson tapped as the new Executive Director of the Community Food Basket of Idaho Falls

Published online: Oct 17, 2017 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 5513 time(s)

Community Food Bank – Idaho falls has announced the selection of David Manson as the new Executive Director of the Community Food Basket of Idaho Falls.

We are very pleased to announce this appointment,” reported Constance Day, Board President.  “Dave will bring leadership and creativity to the Food Basket’s programs and a deep sense of commitment to our region’s nonprofit sector.  He has served nonprofits at all program, fundraising, executive and leadership levels, and has a breadth of perspective and experience.”

Dave’s resume includes over 25 years of executive planning, administration, communications and marketing experience in the nonprofit, business, and government sectors. 

I look forward to continuing to serve and partner with the area’s nonprofit organizations in this new capacity,” remarks Dave.  “I am dedicated to the mission of RCCM and the Community Food Basket - Idaho Falls. As someone whose family rose from poverty to the middle class through a combination of education, hard work and the support of compassionate individuals and programs such as ours, I know firsthand the importance of these vital safety nets.”

CFBIF is a standing committee of the Regional Council for Christian Ministry, Inc. (RCCM), a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized in 1967 by local churches. Its purpose is to coordinate programs in Christian education, service, and outreach in the greater Idaho Falls area. RCCM houses three standing committees that operate outreach programs: Island Park Ministry Team, Community Food Basket – Idaho Falls, and FISH (Friends in Service Here).

For more information, call 208-244-1531


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