Leadership is often described with words like prestige, power, and position. But that isn’t how I define it. To me, leadership can be described in one word – service. I hope to continue to serve the people of Idaho Falls. Leadership is about results, and I pledge to continue to develop legislation that will benefit our community, uphold our timeless values, and preserve our liberties.
What are the issues that I am passionate about?
Strengthening Education
As someone who has spent a number of years working in education, I genuinely understand the challenges that we face as a state and will continue to confront them responsibly.
- Continue to support local school districts building projects, bonds, and levees. Children are the future of Idaho Falls.
- Continue to support secondary education in Eastern Idaho. Jef is excited for the development as the Colege of Eastern Idaho develops as this is a project he enjoyed talking about in the legislature.
- Jeff is very passionate about bringing a medical school to Idaho and is excited to see ISU shaping this institution.
- Prepare our students for a changing workforce that will require post-secondary education.
Jeff and Chanin want to work closely with law enforcement and schools in Idaho Falls to stop the increasing suicide rates.
Revitalizing our Economy
A strong job market is the product of a healthy and vibrant business community. The government must trust in the free market, and minimize the burden of taxation and regulation.
- Support legislation that is business-friendly and encourages free-market policies.
- Create policies that support job growth and the ability to keep Idahoans at work.
- Minimize taxation and intrusive government regulation.
Maintaining the Proper Role of Government
I believe that each facet of government must operate within the sphere of influence for which it was intended.
- The Federal government should provide protection, not direction.
- Execute State government duties as outlined in the State Constitution.
- Govern whenever possible at the community level.
Encouraging Support for the Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
The INL is an incredible asset to our state that provides innovative technology and jobs to many in southeast Idaho.
- Explore opportunities for funding support for INL and it's contractors.
- Encourage research and development initiatives.
- Leverage Idaho's resources in ways that smartly benefit the INL's projects.
I consider it a great honor and grave responsibility to represent your interests – it’s not something I take lightly. Thank you for this privilege and please don’t hesitate to contact me with your concerns, questions, or ideas.
Jeff Thompson
(Text & photos from thompsonforidaho.nationbuilder.com)