The Idaho Falls Downtown Development Corporation is proud to present the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at Civitan Plaza in Downtown Idaho Falls. Starting at 3 p.m., live music from County Line will be played until 5 p.m.
The ceremony will begin with Santa’s arrival along with and Mayor Rebecca Casper and members of the Idaho Falls City Council by horse drawn trolley to turn the lights on. The Color Guard will post the Colors before the National Anthem is sung by Michelle Ziel Dingman.
The large tree in the center of the park is titled “Honoring Idaho’s Brave” -- decorated in red, white, and blue with ornaments for the brave men and women from Idaho that have served or are serving in the military. There will also be an ornament for each branch of service, an ornament for each Battalion of the Idaho Army National Guard, and an ornament for each Gold Star Soldier since Sept. 11, 2001. Our Killed In Action Service Members will be represented with a Purple ribbon tied for their sacrifice. The Survivor Family members will be recognized in conjunction with the tree in the center of the plaza dedicated to “Honoring Idaho’s Brave."
In addition, 20 beautiful Christmas trees are placed in the Plaza that have been decorated by local schools and other groups. Complimentary hot cocoa will be served along with complimentary horsedrawn trolley rides leading up to the event.
Special thank you to the Idaho Falls Civitan's for providing the lights that fill the plaza with holiday joy.
Source: Idaho Falls Downtown Development Corporation