You won’t find a more authentic celebration of Indian culture in eastern Idaho than the Shoshone-Bannock Indian Festival, held this weekend at the Fort Hall Reservation.
The central festival ceremony is a top-rated powwow complete with traditional Native American dancing, singing and arts and crafts. Thousands of Native Americans from all over North America compete in singing and dance competitions featuring some of the top dancers and drum groups in North America.
Activities include the Fort Hall All-Indian Jr/Sr Rodeo, Miss Shoshone-Bannock Contest, All-Indian Festival Parade, Children’s Day Powwow, Festival Princess Contest, Traditional Indian Handgames, Indian Relay Horse Races, Buffalo and Salmon Feast, Indian Art Show and many others. Enjoy authentic Native American food and arts and crafts. Tribal elders share words of wisdom about their proud culture.
For more information, call 238-0680 or click HERE for the schedule of events.