When Eagle Rock Gallery opened six months ago, it set out to not be like most art galleries. Owners Gary and Kathi Jensen want to reach everyone through the art work on display, not just collectors. The Jensen’s require artists in their gallery to have items for sale under $100, making art affordable for all.
According to Kathi, pieces are available from $25 to $25,000.
“I want people to understand art better. I think we’re losing an appreciation for it. Partly, I blame the art galleries for that, because I think most people have the idea that if you go into an art gallery its only for collectors. That’s why we wanted to do it differently. So people know they can have nice art and afford it.”
Eagle Rock Gallery also has a different way of getting artist’s work in their gallery. Many places will take up to 60 percent of commission on work sold in their gallery. Gary and Kathy let artists rent out a spot in their gallery and give 100 percent of the commission back to the artist.
“Hearing what people see and feel when they look at the art,” Kathi said. “If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t be here. I’ve had people look at a piece of art and have tears run down their cheeks. It touches people.”
The gallery has a variety of art mediums available, including glass, watercolor, prints, bronze door knockers of animals, piano wall hangers and more. Kathi, best known for her photographs of bald eagles, has seen her work featured in a national exhibit in Washington, D.C., among other top shows in the country.
Gary and Kathi, both Army veterans, feel a strong tie to that community. They recently held a fundraiser, with proceeds going to help local veterans in Idaho Falls Former Ammon Mayor Bruce Ard was also honored at the event. Ard’s son was recently killed in Afghanistan during military service. Kathi auctioned off a piece of her work and local 13-year-old Paige Anne sang, bringing the room of roughly 200 people to tears.
“We tried to make people aware of what it takes for us to maintain our freedom here,” Kathi said. “We kind of take it for granted. We’ve been fortunate to not have to fight our battles here. We go about our everyday lives not living in that kind of fear that some nations do.”
Kathi recently did a tour of the nation’s Latter-day Saint historical sites, taking photographs along the way. She will have a book called, “Faith in Every Footstep” released sometime in the future.
Eagle Rock Gallery is located at 804 Pancheri Drive in downtown Idaho Falls.