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License to Respond

EIRMC and Air Idaho organize educational conference for regional EMS providers

Published online: Oct 11, 2019 Articles, East Idaho Health, Healthy Vision Series with Dr. Dan Nielson
Viewed 3855 time(s)

Ever wonder just how much training is required of emergency responders to maintain their licensing?  Like all professionals, emergency personnel keep up on their lifesaving skills by putting in many hours of continuing education each year. And as state and local agency budgets are slashed, these courses are harder and harder to find, and usually come at big cost to participants.

AEMTs, EMTs and EMRs from all over southeast Idaho gathered at Taylorview Junior High Saturday to hone their skills under instruction from EIRMC physicians and clinicians; air ambulance personnel; and regional experts on “in the field” response.  The conference was designed to help them perform their jobs better, safer and faster. 

Best part?  It’s free to them, compliments of EIRMC and Air Idaho -- providing a well-earned thank-you for the critical jobs these professionals do in getting patients to EIRMC for definitive care.

The EIRMC/ Air Idaho EMS Conference began with keynote presentations in the Taylorview auditorium, followed by afternoon demonstrations ranging from ambulance driving simulations to airway-management practice on pigs and hands-on techniques for hypothermia treatment.

Source: Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center

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