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Delicious Dumplings

A local, creamy chicken recipe full of holiday cheer

Published online: Dec 19, 2019 Articles, Dining, Family Fun Guide, Holidays Jessica Hallam
Viewed 6913 time(s)

December is my favorite time of year. I love spending time with family and friends and sharing my love of cooking with them. This is one of my go-to recipes for cold winter days. It's warm, creamy and full of flavor – not to mention it’s the perfect comfort food!

- Chef Jessica Hallam

Chicken and Dumplings

1lb of chicken, shredded

1c. carrots, diced

1c. celery, diced

1 medium onion, diced

¼ c. flat leaf parsley, finely chopped

2tbsp. olive oil

1tsp. salt

½ tsp. smoked paprika

½ tsp. dried thyme

½ tsp. pepper

4c. chicken broth

1 large can cream of chicken soup

For the dumplings:

2c. all-purpose flour

1tbsp. + 1tsp. baking powder

1tsp. salt

¾ c. buttermilk

4tbsp. butter, melted and slightly cooled


  1. In a large stove top Dutch oven or thick bottomed pan on medium heat cook carrots, celery, onion and parsley in the olive oil until the onions are translucent. Next add the salt, paprika, thyme, and pepper.
  2. Now add the broth and the cream of chicken soup. Whisk until smooth and then bring to a boil.
  3. While the mixture is coming to a boil make the dumplings, but continue to stir.
  4. In a small bowl whisk together flour, baking powder and salt. Add the buttermilk and melted butter. Fold together gently until just combined. Careful not to over mix. Scoop dumpling mixture into small bitesize balls. 
  5. Add the dumplings to the boiling pot all at the same time. Do not stir the mixture once the dumplings are added. Place the lid on top and set the timer for thirty-five minutes. Turn the heat to low. Do not open the lid, no matter how tempted you are. It will prevent the dumplings from cooking all the way. 
  6. After the 35 minutes are up open the lid and stir the soup. Serve immediately. 

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