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BOD Spotlight: EmmaLee Robinson with State Farm

Small Business of the Year

Published online: Feb 10, 2020 East Idaho Business
Viewed 3881 time(s)

EmmaLee Robinson’s family moved from the Washington D.C. area three years ago. Robinson’s family then moved to the Idaho Falls area in 1975. Her parents owned several successful businesses, teaching her the importance of leaving a positive impact in the community before she went on to open her own State Farm office.

“My office is very passionate about helping and serving people through their difficult times,” Robinson stated. “It isn’t just about collecting insurance premiums and moving onto the next sale, we take the time to find our customers’ goals and making sure we align their insurance to support those goals.”

This year her State Farm office started Stuff the Bus, an initiative to help children who cannot afford school supplies. EmmaLee currently serves as the Grassroots Chair. She also worked with local legislators to get a bill passed to lower the incidence of uninsured drivers in Idaho


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