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Frank & Belinda VanderSloot Recognized by Alturas Institute

VanderSloots awarded with John Abigail Adams Award

Published online: Feb 06, 2020 East Idaho Business Emily FitzPatrick
Viewed 9042 time(s)
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Frank and Belinda VanderSloot were the recent recipients of the John and Abigail Adams Award. The award was presented to the couple by Dr. David Adler, President of the Alturas Institute, at a dinner held in their honor Saturday at the Hilton Garden Inn in Idaho Falls.

The award recognized the VanderSloots for creating Idaho Medical Debt, a $1 million legal defense fund. The fund was created to provide legal defense against medical debt collection companies for citizens in the state of Idaho. So far, the fund has provided legal defense for over 200 people from around the state.

“Through this program, the VanderSloots are extending the time-honored and hallowed American principle, bolstered by John Adams’ defense of Tories during the American Revolution, of providing legal counsel and access to justice,” explained Dr. David Adler. “The VanderSloots have called upon the Idaho legislature to pass meaningful legislation that protects Idahoans. I predict it will be passed into law and surrounding states will look to it as an example in creating their own legislation.”

The VanderSloots are continuing their work by encouraging the state legislature to make changes that would protect possible victims.

The award ceremony featured two special guest speakers: The Honorable Ryan D. Nelson, Circuit Court Judge on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and Bart M. Davis, the United States Attorney for the District of Idaho.


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