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Lucky Dawg Commercial Cleaning

Nathan Boll -- the guy you’re going to call

Published online: Mar 26, 2020 Articles I.F. Magazine Staff
Viewed 4008 time(s)

You walk into your building and trash cans are overflowing, the break room sink hasn’t been cleaned in weeks, the floor needs to be vacuumed and everyone is avoiding the bathrooms entirely. We’ve all experienced that moment when cleanliness falls to the wayside, whether it be from a lack of hands or sheer business.                        

Most of us aren’t superhuman, which means that we can’t manage everything on our own. That’s why we hire experts who can. Lucky Dawg Commercial Cleaning are the specialists who will keep your building in tip-top shape, so that you don’t have to.

Nathan Boll started Lucky Dawg Commercial Cleaning just three months ago after building the concept for about a year. However, the cleaning business has always been a part of his life. Nathan remembers watching his mother operate their cleaning businesses and he still has family in California continuing their legacy. 

“The most important thing is making sure my clients have their priorities taken care of,” Nathan shared. “Everyone has different priorities for their business. For example, some prefer the bathrooms to be in perfect condition and some prefer highlighted focus on the front entrance. It all depends on their clientele.”

The key to maintaining excellent business relationships is quality communication and following up frequently to ensure complete satisfaction, Nathan stated. “While my vision of Lucky Dawg Commercial Cleaning is to expand well beyond Boise and Jackson Hole, I always want my business to have a local feel to it.”

If you’re looking for that small business feel, make sure to give Nathan Boll a ring. Lucky Dawg Commercial Cleaning offers complementary estimates, minor trial cleanings and more.. Nathan can be reached at 208-520-6035 or



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