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Eastern Idaho State Fair Rewards Dedicated Students

Fifteenth annual scholarship recipients announced

Published online: Aug 12, 2020 Articles
Viewed 3309 time(s)

BLACKFOOT – In keeping with its ongoing tradition of supporting outstanding high school seniors, the Eastern Idaho State Fair, in partnership with Butler Amusements, Inc., announced six finalists who have been awarded a $1,000 scholarship to the college or vocational school of his or her choice. This scholarship fund has awarded over $86,000 to deserving college-bound teens since its inception fifteen years ago. 

A six-member scholarship committee had the difficult task of selecting winners out of the numerous commendable applicants. “This year with the current situation of public schools transferring to a home- based learning programs, we were very happy at the number of applications we still received. The quality of the students applying that have participated in both the 4-H or FFA programs over many years was very impressive. This year we had 8 counties and 10 high schools in our 16 County Fair District with scholarship applications, several of these high schools had multiple applications. We are proud to see so many outstanding local students and look forward to seeing them succeed in the future,” said E.I.S.F. General Manager, Brandon Bird. 

The six finalists were selected based on past years’ experience in FFA or 4-H along with their personal and professional goals, honors, activities, community service and financial need. The winners, in no particular order are: EmmaRae Darland-Butte County High School; Riley Lyon-Blackfoot High School; Montana MacConnell-Idaho Virtual Academy; Katelyn Oliverson-Preston High School; Jordyn Parsons-Blackfoot High School; and Dylan Waldron-Malad High School. The six scholarship winners were notified in May and will be receiving their scholarship in two installments in the next year for continuing their education. 

This scholarship is open to graduating seniors from the surrounding 16 counties. The EISF encourages those interested in the 2021 Scholarship to enter the 2020 Fair as a 4-H or FFA member to qualify. 


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