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The Idaho Falls Farmers’ Market

Overcoming the Effects of the Pandemic

Published online: Aug 11, 2020 Articles, Events
Viewed 5857 time(s)

“The Farmers Market isn’t going anywhere! We’ve been around for thirty years—we’ll ride the tide and keep going,” says Junean Stoddard manager of the Idaho Falls Farmers Market. Despite facing new regulations associated with COVID-19 the Farmers Market vendors continue to safely provide quality homemade goods and fresh foods to the community.

What is most impressive about the Farmers Market is the unique spirit of the vendors. Junean said, “It’s really different because they’re all very entrepreneurial people," Junean said. "Even though they’re all farmers or ranchers, they’re entrepreneurial thinkers and very creative people, which is really fun to be around.”

In order to accommodate customers and to adapt to the new regulations associated with the virus the Market now offers online shopping and pick-up. 

Follow the market on Facebook or Instagram for more updates and information on vendors and future events. 

208-339-3230 // 


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