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Mayor Blad Donates $1,000 from Mayor’s Walking Challenge to Local Foundation

Published online: Oct 26, 2020 East Idaho Business
Viewed 2798 time(s)

POCATELLO -- If you’ve noticed a little spring in Pocatello Mayor Brian Blad’s step, it's because he’s been walking for a good cause. Thursday, Mayor Blad donated $1,000 to the Hitting Hearts Foundation. The money comes from his completing the 2019 Blue Cross of Idaho Foundation for Health’s Mayor’s Walking Challenge. The donation will be used to purchase fitness trackers for senior students with special needs at Highland High School and adaptive physical education equipment for students in the Living in the New Community transition program.

“All students deserve the opportunity to live a fit and healthy life,” said Mayor Brian Blad. “The trackers and equipment will help students achieve their fitness goals.”

“Mayor Blad believes in the same goals I have for kids,” said Christian Colonel with the Hitting Hearts Foundation. “This donation helps us fill the gap between kids with unique challenges and living a healthy life.”

Previously, Mayor Blad donated the $1,000 he earned in 2017 and 2018 to Hitting Hearts to purchase adaptive physical education equipment for students at Pocatello and Highland High Schools.

Currently, Mayor Blad is wrapping up his participation in the 2020 edition of the Mayor’s Walking Challenge. So far, he’s walked over 261,000 steps during the month of October. More than 75 mayors across the state are participating in the challenge.

“I’m constantly walking anyway so I’m happy to know each step is going to a good cause,” Mayor Blad said. 


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