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50 Indoor Activities

Whether 5 or 105, pass your time at home in Idaho Falls

Published online: Nov 17, 2020 Articles
Viewed 5888 time(s)

Are you planning a weekend at home? Hanging out indoors can be relaxing for a few minutes, but after a few hours kids are bound to grow restless, especially if your family is more extroverted. But don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to make use of your time indoors though they might not be nearly as exciting as spending a weekend exploring Idaho Falls. 

Here are some tips on how to pass the time:

  1. Build a blanket fort

  2. Complete a puzzle

  3. Play a board game

  4. Watch a movie 

  5. Binge watch a series

  6. Read that book that’s been sitting on your nightstand for a year

  7. Listen to an audiobook while cleaning the house

  8. Throw a tea party with the kids

  9. Complete your spring cleaning early

  10. Have an indoor scavenger hunt

  11. Recreate your favorite YouTube or TikTok video

  12. Go on a camping trip...inside (pull out the sleeping bags and the tent and have a camping trip in the living room)

  13. Play charades

  14. Try a new recipe

  15. Download Jackbox games and compete on your phone

  16. Create an obstacle course and race to complete it

  17. Play the floor is lava

  18. Teach your kids to play Go Fish

  19. Pamper yourself with an indoor spa day...take a bath, paint your nails, wear a face mask

  20. Learn a new craft

  21. Random dance party...go!

  22. Hold a fashion show and discover the family fashionista

  23. Origami -- make your classic airplane or an intricate swan

  24. Plan a vacation (once you get through all of this you’ll need one)

  25. Break out the unfinished scrapbook and play catch up

  26. Teach your pet a new trick

  27. Make the perfect playlist for every mood

  28. Meal prep...might as well get ahead

  29. Nap all day long

  30. Take an online class

  31. Redecorate your home

  32. Give your family and friends a call

  33. Workout (look up a yoga video or hold a push up competition)

  34. Mail a letter to a loved one

  35. Paint something and enroll in a class at the Art Museum once you’re ready to join the public again

  36. Write a story 

  37. Record your feelings in your journal

  38. Study a foreign language

  39. List locations you want to visit around the globe

  40. Turn off the lights and make shadow shapes with the help of a flashlight

  41. Make a collage, cutting pictures from old magazines and catalogues

  42. Play make believe 

  43. Sing karaoke or sing along to your favorite movies

  44. Pillow fight

  45. Put on a talent show

  46. Create noise makers out of used plastic bottles and beads or other household objects

  47. Recreate an old family photo

  48. Listen to a meditation video

  49. Shop online

  50. Color in an adult coloring book

However you choose to pass your time at home, make sure to create new memories with family and have fun!


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