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Idaho Falls-Based Morgan Construction Joins Operations with ESI Construction

Published online: Dec 28, 2020 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 4363 time(s)
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IDAHO FALLS -- Morgan Construction Inc., an Idaho Falls-based commercial general contractor founded in 1989, is proud to be announcing that it has recently completed a merger with Boise-based ESI Construction, Idaho’s largest privately held general contractor. This transaction, which closed earlier this month, creates significant growth opportunities and bolsters the new Morgan/ESI companies ability to serve clients in Eastern Idaho.

Morgan Construction will become Morgan Construction, LLC a Division of ESI.  Matt Morgan, founder of Morgan Construction, will continue as a Business Development and Client Relations executive with the new MC/ESI company. Morgan will be working alongside of the ESI team in merging the two companies’ capabilities and employees from both firms to benefit clients and the communities throughout Eastern Idaho. 

“We’re excited to be part of ESI’s team, and we believe this merger will enable us to serve our clients at an even higher level thanks to the resources that ESI brings to the table,” says Morgan. “In addition, this merger will give myself and my wife, Lynne, more time to focus on people and causes we’re passionate about in this new chapter of our lives moving forward."

“This merger of two great companies allows ESI an exciting opportunity to support already established clients and new clients on exciting projects by enhancing our efficiency and response to a broader market.  Idaho is our home and we want to be able to serve all communities throughout the Gem State as we grow together,” said ESI’s president and co-owner, Neil Nelson.  He added, “Developing Eastern Idaho is important to ESI and Morgan Construction. Matt’s talented team will have the full support of ESI’s resources so we can continue to complete great projects for our clients across our home state, Idaho.”  

ESI has project experience in Eastern Idaho, most recently doing work for INL, who they worked with on joint venture projects Collaborative Computing Center & Cybercore.


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