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Family Fun

5 local activities for the family

Published online: Feb 26, 2021 Articles, Discover Idaho Falls, Discover Idaho Falls: Parks and Recreation
Viewed 5173 time(s)

Some of the best day trips can be found locally in Idaho Falls. Find something fun for the entire family or make a date night out of these outdoor activities. Either way, don’t forget to pack your coat and some gloves!

Fat Biking

Kelly Canyon and Other Trails

The first place that comes to biking, whether in the winter or summer months, is Kelly Canyon Ski Resort. The resort offers 12 miles of uphill and downhill trails called “Shred Trails.” There are also trails around town where you can enjoy less rigorous rides and charming winter scenery, including the Idaho Falls Riverwalk. 

Other areas in the region: Stinking Springs, Webster’s Dam, South Fork Snake River Trail, City Creek and more in Pocatello (visit for more details)

Ice Skating

Ice Ribbon at Tautphaus Park 

Bring your friends and family to the free ice ribbon and outdoor ice rink. Skate rentals are available inside the Joe Marmo/Lehto Ice Arena for $3.50.

Other areas in the region: Joe Marmo/Wayne Lehto Ice Arena

SnowShoeing/Cross Country Skiing

Tautphaus Park

Explore Idaho Falls parks in the winter months. Tautphaus Park is especially well-suited to these activities. Parks not groomed for cross country skiers, walkers and fat bikes are open year-round to those who enjoy snow shoeing.

Other areas in the region: Kelly Canyon Trail, Packsaddle Lake, Craters of the Moon and City of Rocks


Freeman Park, Community Park and Sandy Downs

It is tough to beat a winter Saturday afternoon sledding at Freeman and Community Park. The grounds at Sandy Downs Arena also allow sledding on the sand dunes in the winter months. Restrooms at both parks stay open year-round.

Other areas in the region: Park on Center St near Sugar City, Founder’s Square Hill (under the water tower) and Smith Park in Rexburg

Around the Area

Small hills around town provide the perfect spots for tubing or sledding. Hills can be found at Tautphaus Park, the Ucon Pit (located at 3024 105th N), Rigby Lake and some of the smaller hills around town, which abound near the foothills. Wherever you decide to go for winter fun, make sure to verify that the land you are crossing onto is not privately owned. 


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