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Getting Well

Published online: Feb 03, 2021 Articles, Lifestyle Emily FitzPatrick
Viewed 2442 time(s)

Sports have never been my strong suit. I played some decent defense as a soccer player in elementary school, but if you put me in as the goalie things tended to go wrong. My ability to predict the direction of flying objects is limited, so to say my team got demolished every time I was put in to play would be an understatement. 

There also may or may not have been a time where I was so busy tracking the ball instead of my own two feet that I ran straight into the goal post causing the need for a time-out to be called. A replacement goalie was quickly found and I spent the rest of the game nursing a knot on the side of my head.

Despite being a general menace, I went on to eventually participate in marching band (anyone who had participated in band can agree this is a major athletic endeavor) and I’ve recently developed an interest in aquatics. However, I still avoid flying objects.

My graze with athletics pales in comparison to those who dedicate their lives to wellness and outdoorsmanship in our area. Just head over to Idaho Mountain Trading, Apple Athletic Club or Bill’s Bike Shop to meet a few or peruse the East Idaho Outdoors issue of Idaho Falls Magazine (IFM) published yearly in April, a project led by the remarkable Kris Millgate.

Perhaps one of the reasons why as Idaho Falls residents we feel particularly drawn to staying in shape, comes from living in Yellowstone country where plenty of opportunities to hike, ski, hunt, snowshoe, fish and so much more abound. It’s impossible to hike up to Goldbug Hotsprings or Table Rock without the leg muscles to pull yourself to the top of mountains and hills. And sports such as ice skating aren’t nearly as fun if you have zero balancing skills. 

No matter your skill level, wellness plays an important part of living a well-balanced life. Afterall, the best kind of healthcare is the preventative kind. In this issue of IFM, we tracked down experts in Idaho Falls, ranging from personal trainers to mental health care professionals, to share advice to help us all stay on track. It might already be February, but it’s never too late to focus on getting well.   


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