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Imagine IF Community Meetings to Get Underway in Idaho Falls

Published online: Feb 22, 2021 East Idaho Business
Viewed 4134 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS – The City of Idaho Falls Neighborhood Services Department (CDS) has released its schedule of dates and times for a series of community meetings designed allow public input on the creation of a plan for future growth within the city.

The “Imagine IF” meetings are designed so City staff can learn about concerns and preferences specific to the neighborhoods where people live.  The meetings will be an opportunity for staff to learn about existing positive aspects about the City’s neighborhoods as well as what can be done to improve them.  The meetings will also cover important topics such as health, housing, and connectivity. 

Each meeting will focus on different neighborhoods within the City.  The meetings will be broadcast live via the online meeting platform, Webex, as well as on Facebook Live.  Those interested in attending via Webex can visit to join the meeting or email to receive a calendar invite. 

For those wishing to attend in person, they may come to the City Council Chambers in the City Hall Annex building, located at 680 Park Avenue; however, due to Covid-19 capacity restrictions, seating in person is limited.  Online attendance is encouraged.

“CDS and the Imagine IF initiative are committed to public comment and outreach despite the challenges that COVID-19 presents.  We see these neighborhood meetings as a great opportunity to learn from residents what they love about where they live as well as what changes they are concerned growth will bring,” said CDS Director Brad Cramer.  “That education is vital for our staff to understand the most effective and supportable ways to help manage that change.  Development is happening quickly and now is the time to participate and learn from each other.” 

CDS has partnered with Poll Everywhere for the meetings, which will allow citizens to participate directly in the meeting regardless of which platform or location they choose.  Staff members will be assigned to monitor comments and chats in all platforms so everyone’s comments will be taken into account.  

For those who cannot attend the meetings live, recordings will be available through Facebook and  Poll questions will also remain available online for one week following each live meeting.

Please see the map below for the corresponding neighborhood numbers:

Neighborhood 1: February 24, 2021 from 6:30-7:45 p.m.

Neighborhood 2: March 3, 2021 from 6:30-7:45 p.m.

Neighborhood 3: March 10, 2021 from 6:30-7:45 p.m.

Neighborhood 4: March 17, 2021 from 6:30-7:45 p.m.

Neighborhood 5: March 31, 2021 from 6:30-7:45 p.m.



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