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More Shared Use Pathways Coming Soon to Idaho Falls!

Published online: Mar 12, 2021 Articles, Discover Idaho Falls, East Idaho Outdoors
Viewed 5668 time(s)
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IDAHO FALLS -- The City of Idaho Falls is pleased to announce that phases 1 and 2 of the Idaho Canal Trail project will begin this spring.  

This project is part of the Connecting our Community comprehensive bicycle, pedestrian, and trails facility plan. The vision is to create a comprehensive and interconnected pedestrian, trail, and on-street bicycle network that fosters a culture of active living. 

This phase of the project includes the construction of a shared use pathway adjacent to the Idaho Canal starting along S Holmes Avenue from 25th Street, north to Garfield Street. The path will start at the west side of S Holmes and 25th Street (near Community Park) and continue north to 17th Street. The route will then cross 17th Street and S Holmes Avenue to follow existing sidewalk and roadway (north/east of Walgreens) to 15th Street and Cranmer Avenue. Construction will then continue along Cranmer Avenue to the canal and will include a canal crossing at Cranmer Avenue, then proceed along the north/west side to 12th Street.  The pathway route will cross the canal at 12th Street to the east side and proceed to John Adams Parkway.  At John Adams Parkway, the path will cross the canal again (to the west side) and proceed north to 1st Street.  

“This multi-use canal trail is going to be an amazing addition to our already outstanding network of pedestrian and bicycle friendly pathways in Idaho Falls, states Parks and Recreation Director, PJ Holm. “The canal meanders through the heart of our community, so whether you utilize the trail system for fun, exercise or to commute, you’ll love the new trail experience,” adds Holm.  

A Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (AKA HAWK Signal) will be installed at 1st Street, and the pathway will proceed north to Garfield Street, allowing access to Dora Erickson Elementary School, Compass Academy schools and the surrounding neighborhood.   

Knife River is the contractor on this project. Construction of the pathway is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2021 and will commence through the summer/early fall.  Following the completion of the pathway elements, the bridge crossing will be completed in the winter of 2021/2022, when water is out of the canal.  

“While this project will greatly improve our community’s connectivity, we recognize the inconvenience to those who live and work near the construction zones. A letter will be mailed to the property owners who will be impacted by construction. We will do our best to minimize these impacts as much as possible and appreciate your patience,” states Kerry Hammon, public information officer, Public Works/Fire Department. 


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