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Idaho Falls Earth Day Celebration

The fun will go on virtually in 2021

Published online: Apr 12, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Outdoors I.F. Magazine Staff
Viewed 4274 time(s)

The Idaho Falls Earth Day Celebration will continue to bring people together from our local community again this year as a virtual event. The celebration is organized each year by a committee that is passionate about the environment and works to preserve their mission to reach out to the community to spread this message.

Since the community has continued to face challenges and constraints over the past year, the event will be using digital media to host the event on Saturday, April 24 with several Earth Day activities that can be participated in with your friends and family or on your own. It will include things such as a virtual bike ride, plogging, an art and photography contest and more.

For updates visit their website at and follow @ifearthday on both Facebook and Instagram. Also, be sure to use #ifearthday and win prizes. 


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