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Idaho Falls Librarian Honored as Librarian of the Year

Published online: Apr 28, 2021 Articles, Lifestyle
Viewed 2525 time(s)
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IDAHO FALLS -- Beth Swenson, Assistant Director at the Idaho Falls Public Library, has been named the Librarian of the Year by the Idaho Library Association (ILA).

The ILA annually honors one librarian in the state for having outstanding vision, leadership skills, and dedication to excellence while benefitting Idaho Libraries. The award was presented at a virtual statewide conference on April 16, 2021.

“I’m incredibly honored by this recognition, and I’ll continue to do all I can to advocate for libraries,” said Swenson.  “I truly believe that libraries can change lives, and I’m grateful I can be a part of that.”

In addition to her duties as assistant director, during the past year Swenson has chaired the ILA Region Six Spring Conference, as well as chairing the first virtual ILA Annual Conference. Swenson was also selected by the Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce as one of ten recipients of the Distinguished Under 40 award.   

“It is nice to see other organizations recognize what we have known since she started working here,” said Robert Wright, Director of the Idaho Falls Public Library.  “Beth is an integral part of our team and brings exemplary dedication and commitment to the library.  We are fortunate to have her as part of our team.”

Swenson started as the Outreach Librarian at the Idaho Falls Library five years ago.  She was also elected as the Idaho Falls Kiwanis Club Vice-President, where she chairs the committee for Hope of America, an award given out to local sixth graders in recognition of their scholastic ability, leadership, and citizenship.


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