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Pocatello Arts Council Seeks Artists for Digital Exhibition

Published online: Apr 09, 2021 Articles, Lifestyle
Viewed 2300 time(s)
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POCATELLO -- Local artists looking to publicly display their work are getting their chance thanks to the Pocatello Arts Council.

The group is currently accepting entries for a digital exhibition that will be hosted on their website,, and looking to highlight two-dimensional works such as paintings, photography, mixed media, sketches, and more. The theme of the exhibition is “Off the Beaten Path.”

There is no cost to enter. Entries are limited to one submission per person and the artist must be a resident of Pocatello. Entries must be family-friendly and include the title of the work, medium, size, and zip code. Artists can also include a biography and contact information; however, it is optional. 

Entries are due no later than April 30 and can be sent to in .jpg format and 72 dpi resolution.

The Pocatello Arts Council will select the works to be displayed at their May 3 meeting at 6:30 p.m. Artists whose work is selected will receive an email notifying them of the Arts Council’s selection.

The selected entries will be displayed on the Pocatello Arts Council website starting May 7.

Artists with questions about the exhibition can contact Paige Weber via email at

For more information on the digital exhibition, visit



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