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Pocatello’s Glass Recycling Program Collects 1,000,000 lbs. of Glass

Published online: Apr 15, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2421 time(s)
Web Exclusive

POCATELLO -- Over 500 tons of glass are getting a second life thanks to the City of Pocatello Sanitation Department’s glass recycling program.

Recently, crews picked up a load of glass from one of the 12 glass drop-off bins located around Pocatello and pushed the scales just over 1 million pounds, or 500 tons, of material collected.

“We are pleased with the citizens of Pocatello showing their enthusiasm for recycling,” said Tom Kirkman, Deputy Public Works Director for the City of Pocatello. “The glass recycling program has been a great success and those who participate should be proud of their efforts in helping to protect the environment and reduce the amount of waste taken to the landfill.”

The glass recycling program started in June 2018 and is possible through the City’s partnership with Momentum Recycling. After citizens throw their glass into the bin and it’s picked up by Sanitation crews, it’s stored in a holding area before heading to Momentum Recycling’s facility. Once it’s with Momentum Recycling, they turn the glass into cullet – small pieces of glass ranging in size from small rock to a powder – and use it to make fiberglass insulation, bottles, bricks, sandblast media, and more. In 2019, the program earned a City Achievement Award from the Association of Idaho Cities.

“We're excited to see glass recycling in Pocatello reach this important milestone,” said John Lair, President & CEO of Momentum Recycling. “Our goal is to recycle as much glass from the Intermountain region as possible, and the program in Pocatello is a major contributor to this effort. We applaud the citizens of Pocatello for their commitment to recycling.”

“We are encouraged by residents’ participation and are hopeful that the program will continue to expand to more locations in Pocatello,” Jeff Mansfield, Public Works Director, said. “Sustainability and protecting the environment are priorities for the City of Pocatello.”

For a list of glass drop-off bins stationed around Pocatello and more details on the program, visit

Additional information about the other programs and services offered by the City of Pocatello Sanitation Department can be found at


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