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Downtown Idaho Falls: Small town dreams are made here.

Published online: May 21, 2021 Articles, East Idaho Business Catherine Smith
Viewed 5653 time(s)

Downtown Idaho Falls is nestled between the banks of the Snake River and iconic falls on one end, and the most iconic historic homes and neighborhoods on the other. All of downtown Idaho Falls is walkable with a mix of people who both live and work downtown. Our downtown is bustling these days. It is our community’s crossroad. It is the place in our hearts and minds that shines with pride and evokes a strong emotion of our history here in Eastern Idaho.  

Downtown Idaho Falls offers the best entertainment, local shopping and food in the region. While theaters and event centers are a little quieter now because of the pandemic, the wheels inside these institutions are hard at work. 

Pivoting is the word of the season as leaders and business owners work to provide new options for safe entertainment. Our local restaurants have adjusted to new seating arrangements, allowing for social distancing, outdoor seating and ongoing cleaning and sanitizing efforts, as business owners keep their spaces clean and ready for the confident enjoyment of their patrons. The downtown boutiques and local retailers are providing safe shopping options that run the gamut from hand sanitizer readily available, masks required and provided and a limited number of shoppers at a time in store. 

“Our priority has always been to make sure people feel comfortable visiting downtown at any time of day,” Catherine Smith says. “We want to make sure everyone knows downtown is ready for them to come enjoy the area and we welcome them back.” 

In most cases, downtown across the nation serves as the engine of their local economies. We see that in downtown Idaho Falls as well. We work, play and live downtown. We represent the image and character of our city to the rest of the state. Our downtown belongs to everyone and our shared vision makes this a special place to be. 


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