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Filling Your Home With Comfort

Creating an inviting home with the help of Lyn’s Ladies and Babies Shoppe

Published online: May 17, 2021 Articles, Home And Garden, Lifestyle Emily FitzPatrick
Viewed 4105 time(s)

Lyn’s Ladies and Babies Shoppe opened its doors in 1982 after Lyn Pletscher spotted a need for elegant home items, such as designer bedding and linen, missing from the Idaho Falls area. The store has since expanded to encompass everything ladies and babies from stuffed animals and clothes for your little one to diffusers and other comforts that set your home apart. 

Grandmothers, often accompanied by a daughter or grandchild, are frequently drawn to the shop for its variety of items for babies. However, what you might not know is that many of the brands carried in Lyn’s store are not found in other locations in Idaho Falls, making her store the one stop shop for unique gifts and items for your home.

“My focus has always been on giving my customers the best products in a relaxing atmosphere,” Lyn told us. “My slogan has been, ‘When you care to give the best, give the gift of comfort.’” 

Items For Your Wishlist

Lyn gives recommendations for everything you need

Home is where the heart is, but it’s also where you keep all of the items that mean the most to you. Those items play a part in your everyday life lending you service and comfort when you need it most. Lyn sat down with Idaho Falls Magazine staff to recommend products you must have for your home.

Jellycat Stuffed Animals

One of Lyn’s top sellers is the Jellycat Stuffed Animals she imports from France. The stuffed animals are a hit with children and grandparents alike. Lyn makes them easy to gift with displays throughout her store, each one coordinating with a stuffed animal, books and clothing items to match. 

“Our customers always want the book that coincides with the animal, but not all the animals have books, so we try to make it a bit easier for them,” explained Lyn. “A lot of mothers are asking for books instead of cards.” 

Barefoot Dreams Loungewear

Who doesn’t want a cozy robe to lounge in after a long day at work or home caring for the kids? Whatever your occupation might be, everyone needs time to decompress. Barefoot Dreams Loungewear softly hugs your body, making those at-home spa nights all the more memorable.

Bamboo Sleepwear

Robes aren’t the only thing you need for a perfect night of sleep. You also need pajamas with the perfect fit. Bamboo also has a daywear line of light clothes perfect for your travels, especially to tropical locations like Florida or the Bahamas. You will even find a few stretchy outfits for babies.

Lampes Berger

Sometimes you need a comforting smell without the worry of burning your house down. These diffusers will not only delight visitors, but keep you safe from any accidents leading to a fire. Refill the diffuser with any of your favorite scents.

“There is one set called Summer Night,” said Lyn. “If you burn that for 30 minutes, you will have no winged insects in your home for up to 8 hours, even with the doors and windows open. And it smells like ocean breeze, so it's really popular, especially for people up in Island Park with mosquitoes.” 

For More Information:

Lyn’s Ladies and Babies Shoppe

339 A St · 208-542-4401

Click here to read the May issue of Idaho Falls Magazine


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