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Governor Brad Little will be this year’s Grand Marshall for their Liberty on Parade

Published online: May 04, 2021 Articles, Events, Lifestyle
Viewed 2924 time(s)

IDAHO FALLS –The Greater Idaho Falls Chamber of Commerce announced that Governor Brad Little will the Grand Marshall for the 2021 “Liberty on Parade”, Independence Day Parade. This year’s theme for “Liberty on Parade” is “Celebrating Commerce and Community” and is sponsored by Blue Cross of Idaho.

“Liberty on Parade” is the largest Independence Day Parade in Idaho and will take place on Saturday, July 3rd, 2021, beginning at 9:00 a.m. As Grand Marshal, Governor Little will lead over 120 marching groups down Fourth Street to Boulevard, then South on Boulevard to Tautphaus Park, as Idaho Falls celebrates our nation’s founding and will kick-off a full day of events in our community.

Chamber CEO, Chip Schwarze, says that “We are excited to have Governor Little serve as Grand Marshall. Our theme is “Celebrating Commerce and Community” and we fell it is appropriate that our Governor lead the way this year.”  Schwarze continued by saying that the Chamber expects this year’s parade to be “bigger than ever.”

The Chamber is currently accepting registrations for entry in this years parade.  For more information visit their website at or call the Chamber at 208-523-1010.

Event: Liberty on Parade

Location: Fourth Street to Boulevard, then South on Boulevard to Tautphaus Park

Date: Saturday, July 3, 2021

Hours: 9:00 a.m.


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