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Visiting the Rescued and Reclaimed Vintage Market

Local artisans repurpose antique items for modern use

Published online: May 10, 2021 Articles, Home And Garden, Lifestyle Chris Sheetz
Viewed 4681 time(s)

For more than two decades, John Hamrell and wife April, owners of Stoney Creek Traders, have enjoyed rescuing old items and rebuilding them into something useful. Together, the couple collect what most people would consider junk and repurpose it, a skill John’s uncle taught him at an early age. 

In earlier years, furniture and general items were built to last. Those items can still be used with a few touch-ups. For the Hamrells, creativity comes with seeing items in a different light before attaching it to other items. The result can end up being a whole new piece, sometimes with a different use.

“Repurposed vintage items are quite fitting and popular,” John said. “People have connections with items and where the materials come from. They have intimate relationships with certain items connected to a long lost relative. They are drawn to it.”

The Hamrells’ Rescued and Reclaimed Spring Vintage Market is a diverse show that supports the community and the people living in the area. John and April work alongside fellow partners Joel and Brenda Hageman, who are also vendors of Back Road Salvage. Joel, sometimes called Joe, likes to travel to the Midwest to find local finds and heirlooms left by homesteaders. 

“This is a happy event where people buy things that touch their heart,” John said “The vendors are also very accommodating in helping you get things home.” He recommends coming with a trailer if you have one and says U-Haul gets a lot of business the weekend of our shows with unforeseen purchases from the market.

If you are wondering how you will get all the items to your car, no worries Macho Movers is available to help at the show. Youth from the local 4-H help move items to the loading area and then into your car and the money you pay for this service goes toward their annual Washington D.C. trip. Still, this is only to get the items to your car, not your home, so plan accordingly. 

Trending Show Items for Your Home

You know where to go to find vintage items, but what’s in style? Searching for new items for your home can be an overwhelming task, especially at a show as large as Rescued and Reclaimed. Renee Frederick, owner of Chippy Paint, answered how to find what’s trending in detail, so that you can rest easy the next time you attend a show or are simply doing some digging of your own to find antiques you can put a spin on.

Together, John and April Hamrell predicted that rusty metal and mismatched China dishes will continue to rule the market, alongside white painted items. She also acknowledged that some trends are moving towards more natural wood items.

Meanwhile, cottage and romantic styles are rising in popularity. These styles take architecture of the past, like old arches, and add a pop, merging them with a country style. 

“We don’t want to stay in yesterday, we need to say, where are we in the future?” Renee said. “We also reinvent those pieces of the past and marry them into the future. Our history is absolutely vital, history is their DNA, it’s a part of where we all were in the ways of coming up and who you are today. You should always have a little mystery, have a little history and marry what you love—what’s comfortable with a little bit of the past.”

Where to Find the Market

The Rescued and Reclaimed Vintage Market puts on around seven shows a year. Here is a list of the remaining events:

Sidney, MT – May 15

Richland County Fairgrounds

Dickinson, ND – June 12

West River Ice Center

Williston ND – July 17-18

Upper Missouri Valley Fairgrounds

Billings, MT – October 9 (Fall Show)

Richland County Fairgrounds

Billings, MT – Nov. 21 (Holiday Show)

Richland County Fairgrounds 

For more upcoming events visit the Rescued and Reclaimed Facebook page @rescuedandreclaimed.


Wondering who you will find at the 2021 Rescued and Reclaimed events? Here is a short list of the vendors already scheduled to make appearances at upcoming shows:

All Dolled Up

Emili Vincent • 435-770-2311

Facebook: All Dolled Up

Anna's Raffia  

Lori Kraft • 406-861-6409

Facebook: @annasrafia

Country Store Boutique

Eric Seneff • 208-522-8450

Facebook: @csbidaho

Chippy Paint Chick Vintage 

Renee Frederick • 307-752-3228

Facebook: Chippy Paint Chick Vintage & Antiques

Dally Up Designs

Camille Simmons • 406-599-7213

Facebook: @dallyupdesigns

Stoney Creek Traders

John Hamrell • 406-670-4786

Facebook: @StoneyCreekTraders

Vintiques of Wyoming 

Merrilee Albers • 512-965-3476

Facebook: Vintiques of Wyoming

Click here to read the May issue of Idaho Falls Magazine


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