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Combatting the Summer Blues

Published online: Jun 01, 2021 Articles, Lifestyle Emily FitzPatrick
Viewed 2365 time(s)

It’s summer, which means there are two words you are fixing to hear if you’re a parent: “I’m bored.” 

The words will echo constantly throughout your household as school ends and family friends leave for their respective vacations. And maybe your kids don’t really mean it. I know I never did when I would say the words. Instead, it was my way of seeking entertainment, something different to break up the long summer months and the hope that my parents could provide that escape from the monotony. 

So, how do you combat the summer blues?

One way is by creating your own local adventures. In this issue of Idaho Falls Magazine, our contributors have worked tirelessly to provide you with a range of adventures, some of which are just a few minutes’ drive and others that you can turn into a short day trip. Some are cheap, while others will cost you a bit of gas money, but all of the activities we share will get you out of the house for a short period of time.

In Idaho Falls, we are surrounded by natural wonders. Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Park are just down the road and there are plenty of recreational activities in all other directions. Old favorites like the Museum of Idaho and The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho continue to bring new exhibits to their halls. Meanwhile, newer forms of entertainment continue to make a name for themselves, including the new-to-town Smash In Therapy, where you can have a good time and release your rage on a number of provided objects. 

Whether you are old or new to the area, there is always something new to try, especially as COVID-19 restrictions end and we find ourselves with more and more events to attend. The Idaho Falls Farmers Market returned in full-force this past May and this month we can expect the return of many more Idaho Falls favorites, which you can find in our summer events calendar.

And if all else fails, and echoes of boredom continue to follow you throughout your home, remember that sometimes the greatest entertainment comes when we’re left to find a path of our own. Some of my favorite childhood memories are shooting homemade marshmallow guns in the backyard and playing pranks on my sister (not to give your kids any ideas). So, put on your creative cap and get ready for the summer of a lifetime.  


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