A few years ago, the Idaho Falls Youth Arts Centre looked at the popularity of its annual Summer Theater Camp program and decided it was time to add a second camp experience. The decision was met with a resounding applause. Over the last four years, the two camps have been filled to capacity. Earlier this year, IFYAC took another look at the demand, and is meeting the needs of the community.
Starting this summer, there are FOUR summer theater camp opportunities for the youth in our area.
This year, the shows chosen for the camps are: Disney’s Descendants and Disney’s Aladdin. Throughout the months of June and July, The Centre is going to be a hustling and bustling place, and the IFYAC wouldn’t want it any other way.
Last year, due to the pandemic (#thankscovid), the camps needed to find a different space for their culminating performances. No theaters were open, no event venue was really available for a decent price and the Summer Theater Camp committee was biting their nails as the beginning of the first camp inched nearer and nearer. The idea of The Centre (IFYAC’s current home) was to be a rehearsal space and small performance space. There was no way 80 kids would be able to successfully put on a complete show in the space.
Well, with no other options, it happened.
The audience numbers were limited because of COVID-19 restrictions, and the kids wore masks or face shields during the productions of Moana; but performances and camps did, indeed, happen. Thinking this was a one-time deal as the Summer Theater Camp venue, the committee had no idea that it would turn out to be such a wonderful and unique experience for the campers. It went so well—with restrictions and all—that camp is going to be held at The Centre again this year.
Working in a smaller space, campers get to see magic develop right before their eyes.
Starting from the ground-up is a fantastic way to jump into theater. The Centre has a large rehearsal room, a small dance studio, a scene shop/set building space, a costume shop, and A LOT of potential. Showing the campers how to turn nothing into something spectacular is only one of the many amazing things they will learn. The Centre is essentially a “blank slate” for stories and worlds to come alive.
One other spectacular aspect of the Summer Theater Camp program is the mentorship opportunity. If an older student wants to participate in the production side of a show, then this is the best way to do that. Those who apply and are accepted into the mentorship program are referred lovingly as our “mentees.” Many of our former mentees have used the experience as their Senior Project. Mentees are NOT babysitters. They are qualified individuals who have demonstrated a keen interest and a good work ethic. Those young artists who have chosen directing as their focus often get to direct a scene all on their own. Mentees who choose to work with the choreographer will often have opportunities to create a dance sequence within a chorus number or two. There are mentee opportunities within the tech side of theater as well working with the lights and sound and building sets.
Spots for campers have already been filled for the first two camps; however, there are still spots for the last two camps starting at the beginning of July. There are many mentee positions still available. If this is something that interests you or your older teen (14+), then please download and print off the application form on our website: www.ifyac.org.
Be sure to mark your calendars for the family-friendly performances of the campers and support this gem in our community. The production staff is full of professionally trained theater artists who are excited to share their love for theater and their expertise with the kids.
Show dates are:
Disney’s Descendants
June 17-18 and July 1-2
Disney’s Aladdin
July 15-16 and July 29-30