Collectors Corner Museum
Over 125 collections on display including antiques, Barbie room, bears, coins, dolls, miniatures, stamps, tools, toys, trains and Celebrity Show Time as the special feature exhibit.
COST: $5 and under depending on age.
TIME: 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Tues.–Sat. Closed on Legal Holidays
LOCATION: 900 John Adams Parkway
CONTACT: 208-528-9900
Eagle Rock Gymnastics Academy
The 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month are open gym night. All equipment is open so athletes can play at their own pace. Pizza, soda and candy are available for purchase. Group discounts are available. Let your kids burn out their weekend energy before bed at this fun haven.
TIME: 6–10 p.m.
LOCATION: Eagle Rock Gymnastics Academy
CONTACT: 208-227-4074
Body Worlds: Animal Inside Out
Come see the Museum of Idaho's new collection of preserved animals. Learn all about how muscles and tendons work together and more. The Museum of Idaho has curated over 100 specimens including a giraffe and giant squid!
TIME: 12–5 p.m. Mon.–Sat.
Parent Play Date
A chance for parents to work on an art project with their preschooler without making a mess at home. Projects begin at 11a.m. and are led by an art teacher. Each month focuses on a different skill that is important for young minds to master, and each week has a new project so that the lessons never get old.
LOCATION: ARTitorium on Broadway
CONTACT: 208-522-0471 // www.artitoriumonbroadway.org
Music on Main in Victor
JUNE 18–AUGUST 13: A free outdoor summer concert series brings highly talented local and national musicians of diverse genres to Teton Valley.
TIME: 6-10 p.m.
LOCATION: Victor City Park in Victor
CONTACT: www.tetonvalleyfoundation.org
Live United Concert Series
JULY 16–AUGUST 20: Live United Concert Series is a 6-week free concert series benefiting the United Way of Idaho Falls and Bonneville County. Each Thursday night of the series features free music at The Waterfront at Snake River Landing in Idaho Falls. Concerts are a family event with food vendors, face painting and lots of great eclectic live music.
LOCATION: The Waterfront
at Snake River Landing
COST: Free
TIME: Every Thursday from 6-9 p.m.
CONTACT: www.unitedwayif.org
Idaho Falls Farmers Market
MAY–OCTOBER: Visit the farmers market to purchase goods from Idaho farmers, producers, crafters and artisans. This seasonal event provides fun for the entire family. Support local business by shopping along the Riverwalk.
LOCATION: Memorial Drive
TIME: Saturdays from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
CONTACT: 208-339-3230
July 1
Gallery Walk
Enjoy works by artists from around the region and around the globe at various community galleries and museums. Admission is completely free and no registration is required. Some locations offer refreshments, live music and artist demos. Follow the Facebook page for updates.
COST: Free | TIME: 5-8 p.m. | LOCATION: Check Facebook for details.
CONTACT: 208-522-0471 | www.idahofallsarts.org
July 9
Wines in the Wild
Enjoy a walk on the wild side of one of the most unique environments in town! The event features a variety of wines from around the world. Visit with some of your favorite animal ambassadors. Live music and food available for purchase.
COST: Pre-order for $35 or buy for $40 at the gate.
LOCATION: Idaho Falls Zoo | TIME: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
CONTACT: 208-612-8552 | www.idahofallsidaho.gov
July 3
Independence Day Festivities
Following the annual Idaho Falls Independence Day Parade, this festival at Snake River Landing features numerous food vendors, local bands and a plethora of family-friendly activities. The Melaleuca Freedom Celebration—one of the nation’s largest fireworks shows—will begin at approximately 10:03 p.m.
COST: Free | TIME: All day | LOCATION: Snake River Landing
CONTACT: 208-522-0700 | www.freedomcelebration.com
July 16
Great Race for Education
Join the CEI Foundation at Snake River Landing for the most-amazing race of the year. Join over 20 teams of four as they use their knowledge and skills to solve clues to race to the finish.
CONTACT: 208-535-5398 | www.ceigiving.org
July 16-18
11th Annual Grand Teton Gunfights
Come on out to the Eagle Rock Outlaws’ “Hideout” on July 17-18 and see some of the fastest gunslingers in the country competing to be “The 2021 Grand Teton Gunfights Champion.” Men, women and youth shooters will be there to take you back in time to the late 1800s.
TIME: July 16, 5-9 p.m., July 17, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., July 18, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
LOCATION: 10648 N 25th E Idaho Falls | COST: Free
CONTACT: 11th Annual Grand Teton Gunfights on Facebook
July 17
14th Annual Tin Cup Challenge
Enjoy a competitive 10K, 5K or Fun Run/Walk followed by a morning of entertainment and nonprofit booths at the base of the Tetons.
TIME: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. | LOCATION: Driggs City Park
CONTACT: 208-354-0230 | www.cftetonvalley.org
July 20
Shakespeare in the Parks - A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Professional outdoor theater performance. Bring a chair or a blanket and enjoy the play. Food and refreshments for sale.
LOCATION: Driggs City Plaza | COST: Free
TIME: 6:30-9:30 p.m.
CONTACT: www.downtowndriggs.org
July 24-25
67th Annual Sidewalk Art Festival
The Eagle Rock Art Guild’s Annual Sidewalk Art Festival is a two-day event held along the east bank of the river. The artwork is exceptional, and patrons of the arts look forward to the new and exciting items available each year.
COST: Free | TIME: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
CONTACT: 208-529-2555
July 21-31
10th Annual Driggs Plein Art Festival
Over 70 professional and emerging artists from all over the country set up their easels outdoors to paint the scenery in Driggs and Teton Valley.
LOCATION: Driggs City Center | COST: Free
TIME: Daily 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
CONTACT: www.driggspleinair.org
July 31
Idaho Falls Marathon
This race offers a full marathon, half-marathon, 5K and kids’ fun run with breathtaking views and finishing on the banks of the majestic Snake River.
LOCATION: Snake River Landing
COST: Visit website for details. | TIME: 6 a.m.
CONTACT: www.idahofallsmarathon.com
To read more of the July issue click here.