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Texas 4000 for Cancer Rides into Idaho Falls on July 18

UT Austin student riders launch 31 state ride

Published online: Jul 14, 2021 Articles, Lifestyle
Viewed 2376 time(s)
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IDAHO FALLS - This summer, the Texas 4000 for Cancer 2021 team of more than 80 students from The University of Texas at Austin will return to the road in the continental U.S. on the longest annual charity bike ride in the world that, for the first time ever, will both begin and end in Austin, Texas. The team will ride more than 4,000 miles over the course of 70-days starting on June 5th with the mission of fighting cancer by sharing hope, knowledge, and charity in more than 200 communities along four routes – SierraRockiesOzarks, and a new route, Smoky Mountains.  In preparation for this year’s ride, the entire team has been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to both protect the team and the people in the communities through which they will travel. They will be following Texas 4000’s safety protocols and the CDC’s COVID-19 guidelines.

“All of us at Texas 4000 for Cancer realize the importance of our cancer awareness and prevention message having seen the significant drops in cancer preventive checks since the start of the global pandemic. The 2021 team knows that cancer hasn’t stopped and that spreading our cancer fighting message is needed more now than ever,” said Scott Crews, Texas 4000 Executive Director. “The 2021 team has persevered through may obstacles to prepare for this summer’s ride and their passion for sharing hope, knowledge and charity in the fight against cancer has not diminished.”

Abbottthe global healthcare leader, is again the presenting sponsor for the summer ride, supporting Texas 4000 for Cancer’s efforts to help people and communities become more aware of preventing cancer for a healthier life. Keith Boettiger, vice president of Abbott’s neuromodulation business located in Austin, said, “These young women and men have shown tremendous dedication to the mission of fighting cancer and taking on a leadership role in their community. We are truly impressed with their leadership and commitment to spreading cancer prevention education throughout the United States. Abbott is focused on helping people live healthier lives and that is why we are proud to continue our sponsorship of the Texas 4000 to support these efforts.” 

For 18 years, Texas 4000 for Cancer has cultivated student leaders and engaged communities in the fight against cancer through a 4,000-mile bike ride. Each year, students from UT Austin begin an 18-month leadership development program, preparing their bodies, their minds and their hearts for this mission, which culminates in this life-changing journey. Collectively, riders have helped raise more than $12.1 million dollars, pedaled more than 5.3 million collective miles and impacted countless lives.

“These young women and men each have a story of how cancer has touched their life. They have made a commitment to make a difference in the fight against cancer which is especially important given the decreases in cancer preventative checks since the start of the pandemic,” said Kerry Rupp, Chair of the Texas 4000 Board of Directors. “I couldn’t be prouder of them and their leadership in the fight against cancer.”


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