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Portneuf River Cleanup Set for August 14

Published online: Aug 10, 2021 Articles, Events, Lifestyle
Viewed 2125 time(s)

POCATELLO -- The Portneuf River is set to get its annual bath Saturday, August 14.

Starting at 10 a.m., residents are invited to help clean the section of the river from Raymond Park to the J.R. Simplot plant. Volunteers are asked to meet at the Pacific Recycling Trailhead (on North Main, just north of Kraft Road where the Greenway Trail ends) and bring a pair of work gloves. Waders and water shoes are also helpful. Masks are encouraged for the initial gathering at the trailhead.

“Thanks to the efforts of our community volunteers, we’re finding less trash in and on the river each year,” said Jenna Dohman, Environmental Technician with the City of Pocatello. “The cleanup helps to restore water quality, improves the Portneuf as a habitat for wildlife, and makes a more enjoyable floating experience for people on the river.”

The cleanup will finish around noon.

The annual event is a shared effort between the City of Pocatello, Idaho State University’s Stream Ecology Center, Sagebrush Steppe Land Trust, and Portneuf Valley Partners.

For more information, prospective volunteers can contact Jenna Dohman at 208-234-6519 or



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