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New Block Parking Ordinance in Effect in Downtown Idaho Falls

Published online: Nov 22, 2021 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2303 time(s)

IDAHO FALLS - A new parking ordinance is in place in downtown Idaho Falls, requiring vehicles parked beyond the allotted two-hour time limit to be moved to a different block to avoid being ticketed.

The ordinance was enacted to ensure parking spaces would be available to patrons and shoppers at downtown businesses during business hours.  Prior to the ordinance there were numerous problems with people parking for the allotted time limit, then simply moving their vehicles over one or two spaces, clogging parking for patrons and visitors to the area.

“A long-standing tradition in downtown for many is to park a vehicle and then move it one spot over all day long throughout the workday and this is a real problem,” said Catherine Smith, Executive Director of the Idaho Falls Downtown Development Corporation (IFDDC), the agency that manages parking in the area. “This is a much better solution that will help ensure adequate parking is available throughout the day for anyone who visits.”

A city block is defined as “the parking on one side of the street bordered by an intersection at the other.” A simple way to understand the change is to drive through an intersection before re-parking downtown. After re-parking on the next block, the time for that vehicle is reset for a new, free two hours.

For those who violate the ordinance, parking citations are placed on the windshield underneath the driver’s side windshield wiper with information detailed on the back of how to pay the citation online. Limited parking is monitored and enforced Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., holidays excluded. Evening and weekend parking remains free.

Parking is enforced using an advanced license plate recognition system installed on a parking enforcement vehicle. The vehicle drives and makes frequent stops to capture images and does so at a safe speed to avoid doors opening and pedestrian traffic.

Downtown Idaho Falls parking is enforced in a manner to encourage ongoing turnover so spaces are available at any time for patrons to easily find a curbside parking spot. There are also a variety of parking lots available for off street parking. More details on parking and corresponding maps can be found at:


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