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Major Event: Holiday Parade

The Ammon Lightpalooza Light Parade takes place Dec. 4

Published online: Dec 03, 2021 Articles, Events, Lifestyle
Viewed 3593 time(s)
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AMMON - It’s time to kick off the winter season! The City of Ammon is partnering with Connections Credit Union to present the Ammon Lightapalooza Light Parade and McCowin Park Lighting this Saturday, Dec. 4. The parade will commence at 6 p.m.

The light parade is a free event hosted by the city. Fireworks will also occur from 8:30-9 p.m. from the Hillview Elementary field next to McCowin Park as a part of the event.

All information, including parade map, float policies and registration is at Please email or call 208-612-4041 with any questions.


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