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Distinguished Under 40 - Chris Ritter

I.F. Chamber honors outstanding young professionals

Published online: Jan 19, 2022 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business I.F. Magazine Staff
Viewed 3231 time(s)

Chris currently leads digital engineering on the Versatile Test Reactor, National Reactor Innovation Center and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) digital twin programs at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). His expertise is in software engineering, software development, leading software teams, systems engineering software integration and database management. 

Before coming to INL, he was director of software development at SPEC Innovations (Systems and Proposal Engineering Company) in Manassas, Va. He also served as the chief architect of Innoslate, a popular system engineering tool that leverages elastic cloud technologies and AI/NLP for high scalability and advanced analytics. He both architected the software system and consulted on the data ontology for a centralized mission risk management system for the Joint Staff at the Pentagon. In addition, he supported Marine Corps business process reengineering for its Capability Portfolio Management processes. He was also a computer programming teacher at St. Michael’s Academy in Warrenton, Va., and developed an elementary school computer programming curriculum. 

Ritter holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in computer science from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Click here to read more of the January issue of Idaho Falls Magazine. 


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