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Idaho Falls Power Conducting Clean Energy Survey

Published online: Jan 11, 2022 Articles, Business, East Idaho Business
Viewed 2333 time(s)

IDAHO FALLS -- Do you have an opinion about clean energy? If so, Idaho Falls Power (IFP) wants to hear from you! 

As our community grows, and our need for energy resources grow, IFP continually looks at additional energy resources to provide for our community’s energy needs and wants. The topic of clean energy is certainly at the forefront with all energy resource discussions.  

“We’d like to better understand our customer’s interest in clean energy resources,” said Idaho Falls Power and Idaho Falls Fiber General Manager Bear Prairie. “This survey will provide us important data to gauge the community’s level of interest in clean energy options, along with their preferences of resources and the prices they’re willing to pay.”

The survey is available to all IFP customers on the IFP website,, from now until Jan. 21. Customers may also receive an invitation via email or text message to participate.

The survey takes just a few minutes to complete. Customer who participate will be entered into a random drawing to win one of 25 great IFP prizes. Prizes include smart thermostats, energy efficiency kits, and IFP extension power cords. 

“We hope people will be receptive to participate and give us their honest feedback,” Prairie said. “We want to engage with our customers to continually improve what we do and how we do it.”

Residents with questions can call IFP at 208-612-8430 for additional information or questions.  


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