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New BMX Track Coming to Sandy Downs

Published online: Apr 11, 2022 Articles, Lifestyle
Viewed 1894 time(s)

IDAHO FALLS -- BMX riders and enthusiasts now have a new venue at Sandy Downs, thanks to a partnership between the Idaho Falls Parks and Recreation Department, and the Snake River BMX Association.

During a recent City Council Meeting, council members unanimously approved a lease agreement between the City and Snake River BMX to use a designated area at Sandy Downs. With the approval of the lease agreement, the non-profit organization will offer a location for a new BMX track.

“This is really exciting for Parks and Recreation as well as for BMX racers and riders in our community,” said PJ Holm, Idaho Falls Parks and Recreation Director. “This new track that is now under construction gives greater recreation opportunities through an organization that has been around for more than 35 years.”

Under the agreement, Snake River BMX will be responsible for all maintenance and upkeep of the track and property used by the organization. The organization will operate the track independently without any City staff.

“Sandy Downs is a great place for this organization and gives them a place to grow into,” Holm said. “This location is a tremendous win for both the City and Snake River BMX through this private/government partnership.”

Snake River BMX will pay the City $1 per paid competitor, user and spectator at events in exchange for using the property. The lease on the property at Sandy Downs is for five years, at which time the City and the BMX organization can review the agreement.

Snake River BMX plans to build a larger track than their last facility in addition to a separate Strider bike track. The Strider track will give younger kids a chance to ride while the older riders use the main track. The new track location also provides ample parking and camping space for those big race weekends.


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