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Road Biking Paradise

From my driveway to scenic byways, eastern Idaho offers great day trips

Published online: Apr 22, 2022 Articles, East Idaho Outdoors, Lifestyle, Outdoors Jason Harris
Viewed 1717 time(s)

If you ride, you get it. 

Whether on a week-long trip or an afternoon ride, if you are on a road bike it’s because you are not in a hurry. For us, it’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey. We enjoy feeling the breeze, taking in the sights, smelling the aroma and sensing the weather changes. In a car, you glance at the surroundings. On a bike, you notice and feel them. It’s just an entirely better way to experience and enjoy the open road. 

My wife and I ventured into this game in 2015 when we bought a CanAm Spyder from Rexburg Motor Sports. It has simply been one of our greatest purchases. We have thoroughly enjoyed sight seeing this beautiful area in which we live, plus it has been a great way to spend time together. 

We started out by taking day trips to Heise or Jackson. As we got more comfortable, we expanded our trips to three or four days and began going into Montana, Wyoming, Utah and western Idaho. Some of our favorite trips include Yellowstone Park, Redfish Lake, Sawtooth National Forest, Borah Peak, Grand Teton National Park, Salmon River, McCall, Craters of the Moon, Big Sky, Mont., and western Wyoming. 

We avoid the interstates by taking back roads and highways, thus keeping our speed down to enjoy it more. 

We pack light and make it more about enjoying the beauty of the outdoors than we do about getting somewhere. 

If you have a bike, I encourage you to take the time to put on some miles this summer. If you don’t have a bike, it is something to consider. It has become my wife and I’s favorite pastime. 


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