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Second Annual Freezin for a Reason

Published online: Apr 20, 2022 Articles, Events, Lifestyle
Viewed 642 time(s)
Web Exclusive

IDAHO FALLS -- The City of Ammon will hold the second Annual Freezin’ for a Reason Swimming Pool Fundraiser on Saturday, May 14th at 3:00 p.m., sponsored by Westmark Credit Union and Natural Spring Ice. 

The pool will be newly filled with no heat on. Then, approximately 60 minutes prior, Natural Spring Ice will unload 10,000 pounds of ice in the pool. Community members may help fill the pool with ice beginning at 2:00. Last year the water was 42 degrees. 

Cost to participate is $10. All participants receive a Freezin’ for a Reason T-shirt, free hot chocolate courtesy of Sugared Moose Mini Donuts, and swag bag. To register, visit, then click “Register/Reserve” at the top of the page. 

Local media is welcomed to attend. Please email or call 208-612-4041 with any questions


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